The MWMN turns three

The MWMN turns three

25 October 2020

Three years ago, on October 25 2017, the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network was officially launched. After a process of research and selection of members that lasted almost a year, a two-day event held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International...
The MWMN geographical scope widens

The MWMN geographical scope widens

May 27, 2020

The geographical scope of the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network widens to include Kosovo within the scope of the activities of the MWMN. On May 27, 2020 a virtual meeting was held with representative from the MWMN Secretariat and Embassy of Italy in Pristina to...
MWMN Call for new mediators

MWMN Call for new mediators

March 2020

The MWMN is pleased to announce that the call for new MWMN members is now open. Do you have experience in mediation, peacemaking and peacebuilding in your community, or at a national, regional or international level? Are you keen to connect with other women to share...