The MWMN abroad

As part of a large international community of practice focusing on the role of women in mediation and on the implementation of UN SCR 1325 and related resolutions the MWMN members and the Secretariat regularly attend international conferences and workshops to contribute to the development and discussions of new policies and practices, and to share lessons learned based on their knowledge and experience.

The Global Alliance of Regional Women Mediator Networks

Working closely with other regional networks of women mediators, namely the Network of African Women in Conflict Prevention and Mediation (FemWise-Africa), the Nordic Women Mediators and the Women Mediators across the Commonwealth, the MWMN has been actively involved in the establishment of a Global Alliance of Regional Women Mediator Networks.  The Global Alliance was launched in September 2019 in New York during a meeting at the margins of the UNGA 74.