On Friday, 21 October 2022 the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network had the pleasure to promote the side-event “Women Mediators on the front lines” together with the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations in New York, the Permanent Mission of Morocco to the United Nations in New York and UN Women, during the UN Women, Peace and Security week at the UN Headquarters in New York.
The discussion, aimed at keeping the focus on women inclusion in peace mediation, came at a time of unprecedented pressure on peace mediation. While the space for women to participate pertinently in high-level processes is still not enough, the number of women who meanigfully contribute to create the basis for peace and stability in different regions worldwide is high. The event then further amplified the work and visibility of what women mediators do at the local level, and discussed with MWMN members and other distinguished guests how to meet the current challenges through concrete recommendations and action-oriented changes based on lessons learnt.
The panel saw the participation of Loredana Teodorescu, Head of the MWMN, and members Ouided Bouchamaoui, Anna Cervi, Farida Jaidi and Irene Fellin.
The recording of the event is available here.