Following the expansion of the geographical scope of the Network in March 2019, which led to the inclusion of members from Kosovo, works towards the establishment of a local antenna soon began.
On November 18, 2020 the MWMN Kosovo Antenna was officially launched with the Conference titled “Reclaiming Time: Women, Peace, Security and Justice Agenda in Kosovo and Beyond” gathering women from politics, parliament, government, civil society, academia, experts, and international representatives. The Conference, which also marked the celebration of the UNSC Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, aimed at discussing the need to increase women’s participation in politics, decision making and at the negotiating table as well as expand their influence in deciding about and shaping the future of the country, while ensuring gender inclusive peace agreements specifically focused on the ongoing Kosovo-Serbia international dialogue.
About the Antenna
The MWMN Kosovo Antenna, currently made of four members, aims at advancing women’s equal participation in decision making, democratic governance and peacebuilding and at promoting the inclusion of women in the formal peace process at the national and international level. It seeks to promote transitional justice as a key contribution to peace and reconciliation with specific focus on international justice on women victims of conflict related sexual violence. Finally, it also strives to prepare young leaders for change through capacity building on leadership, mediation and peacebuilding and to promote local peacebuilding and interethnic harmony.