The MWMN Kosovo Antenna launches a documentary on women in the security sector!
April 2023
In the first months of 2023, the MWMN Kosovo Antenna in collaboration with the NGO She Solutions, designed and produced a short documentary on women's participation in the security sector in Kosovo, which was launched on 1st May! The clip analyzes the obstacles that...
IAI Commentaries by the MWMN Mediators
April 2023
Some of our mediators presented their analysis of the conflict going on in specific parts of the Mediterranean region, highlighting the role of women mediators to the peacebuilding processes, and published their contributions as IAI Commentaries. Lea Baroudi analysed...
The Research on “Women’s Cooperatives for Social and Economic Empowerment” by the Turkey Antenna is out!
April 2023
The Mediterranean Women Mediators Network – Turkey Antenna published their research on Women's Cooperatives in Turkey "Women Cooperatives for Social and Economic Empowerment", and it is now available online. The report presents the results of a study on women's...
MED – Mediterranean Dialogues 2022
2 and 3 December 2022
On 2 and 3 December 2022, some members of the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network joined the MED Dialogues as speakers and experts peace and mediation. MED - Mediterranean Dialogues is an annual high-level initiative promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign...
EU Community of Practice on Peace Mediation
27 October 2022
On 27 October 2022, the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network promoted the panel “Taking Forward Women’s Meaningful Inclusion in Peace Making”, within the framework of the EU Community of Practice 2022 on Peace Mediation, annual event of the European External Action...
Women and Conflicts: What Role for Women Mediator Networks?
1 dicembre 2022
As violent conflicts, military coups, displacements and hunger continue to increase, the world is experiencing a reversal of generational gains in women’s rights, especially in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). From Libya to Syria, persistent conflicts are...
The Role of Women in the Elaboration of Durable Solutions to the Syrian crisis
The recommendations are now available!
In 2021, the MWMN launched and brought forward the initiative “The role of women in the elaboration of durable solutions to the Syrian crisis”, in collaboration with the NGO Search for Common Ground and the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and...
International Mediation Awareness Week
On 9 November 2022, the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network had the pleasure to participate in an enriching discussion at the International Mediation Awareness Week (IMAW) on mediation and the role of women in peacebuilding. It has been a great opportunity for some...
Women Mediators on the Front Lines
The MWMN at the UN Women, Peace and Security Week
On Friday, 21 October 2022 the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network had the pleasure to promote the side-event “Women Mediators on the front lines” together with the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations in New York, the Permanent Mission of Morocco to the...
Conference: Spotlight on Syria. A Gender Perspective on the Status of the Political Process
April 13, 2022
On April 13, the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network organized a public webinar titled "Spotlight on Syria. A Gender Perspective on the Status of the Political Process" (here to see the Conference Programme) to return the Syrian crisis to the forefront of the...