July 2021

July 2021

The State of Palestine’s Basic Law and National Policy Agenda 2017–2022 clearly states that it is the vision of Palestine to promote gender equality. It further outlines that women’s participation in official institutions needs to be strengthened, and underlines the...
June 2021

June 2021

Involving women affected by conflicts in mediation is important. My experience has shown that women are more prone to suffer from the impact of conflicts than men in the same context. Women are aware of the root causes of the conflicts not only because they are part...
March 2021

March 2021

Libya is at a crossroads. After the vote on the new executive authority that took place on 5 February, the country can move forward with the next steps of the Roadmap that should lead it to organise and hold democratic elections on 24 December 2021. What are the main...
October 2020

October 2020

‘’I did not have an equal opportunity before to get my voice heard’’ was a remark made by a women’s rights activist who participated in an online consultation coordinated by NOREF. Wider inclusion provided by the integration of the available digital tools into...
September 2020

September 2020

Only a few weeks ago, I was reminded what it meant to have your rights as an equal citizen denied. That horrible feeling of being considered a second-tier citizen. It sent me back to the many memories of my life when I was denied equal rights, when I was under threat...
Juillet 2020

Juillet 2020

La femme algérienne est considérée comme un facteur essentiel de cohésion et de stabilité de la société en tant que pilier de la cellule fondamentale de la société. L’état lui réserve un intérêt particulier et une volonté politique constamment exprimée dans tous les...